Monday, September 15, 2008

That Didn't Feel Like One of the Bath Toys!

So this evening after dinner, I immediately put sleepy little Coleman into the tub. I am tired too, so I decided that I would sit on the floor and read a magazine while he is playing so quietly.

Im catching up on what McCain is saying about Palin, deep into this article because I need to know all the goods. Then IT hit me. Can you believe it--- it WAS NOT a thought! Something landed ever so plump onto my leg and IT DID NOT feel like a bath toy. My sweet little Coley had taken a huge dump in the tub and decided that he needed to throw a not so small terd at his mommy!


1 comment:

Kelly Ford said...

Ummmm. I love you. But thats disgusting. I'm glad you love your kid.
