The fun love of a grandparent, they always do what a parent won't! Nanny also introduced Hudson to green onions, he loved it!
Anyhow, Im totally enjoying looking at these old pictures and loving how my grandparents love my babies! Nanny was happy to see us and it was so nice to be able to visit with her. The boys took her a few little gifts and we had such a wonderful afternoon with her.
And then our trip to Nanny Stephens.....
This was a blast! We arrived around noon on Saturday. Quickly unloaded the car so that Hudson could play. He was ready to get in the sand. He was having a ball! Staying HOT and NASTY! Which is exactly the way that he should be!
Then while Coleman was taking a nap, Hudson came in and played with Nanny.... with some crazy toy that we couldn't figure out!
After nap, we headed out to Evans, where my Aunt Claire lives (and she might as well be a nanny too! Shes my "other mother" and grandmother to my babies! What a blessing! Love you Aunt Claire XOXO) We grilled out some YUMMY hamburgers (no matter what you say Tim! hee), corn on the cob, and lots of other yummy stuff. Hudson got to ride with his "Other Uncle Tim" on the John Deere lawnmower, which he enjoyed. Nanny enjoyed feeding Coleman some fruit as well. It was a great time!
Oh yes! And this.... this is the after part. Apparently Uncle Tim was watering the grass and Hudson decided (with Dad's permission) that he could run through the water sprinkler. Then, Hudson is in a mudslide! Ooops! So Daddy had to hose him off! (we were rednecks gone to town!
Cole playing with the computer. And meeting his Great Uncle David for the first time.
Here they are passed out from such a long day. It was only a few hours later that Hudson fell out of the bed and Coleman decided that he would wake up too and NOT GO BACK TO SLEEP!
Shew! We are finally on our way home! Eating an ice cream cone from McDonald's and enjoying the ride! (Hudson is actually saying, "Mommy! Don't take a picture!)
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