Atleast a year ago, Papa Price started a tradition with Hudson and sometimes Daddy will tag along. On Saturday mornings, they get up, go the "Hair Cut Place" (the name that Hudson has dubbed it), then to the "Train Store" (Legacy Station), and to Waffle House. Recently mom has had the honor to fill in Papa's and Chris' shoes. Its fun! But yesterday, we had a new attendee.... COLEMAN WADE! And NO! We did NOT cut his hair. He was just shadowing. Doing a training session if you will.
Hudson is in love with Ms. Sarah. He will not allow anyone else to cut his hair, or really even talk to him. He will talk her ears off only if I "go to the bathroom" or Daddy is in another room getting his hair done. (you are probably wondering.. Room?? Apparently its old house or something?) Once his cut is complete, he recieves his treat, either "rolly pop" or gum. He chose the later yesterday and enjoyed until lunch time! Thank goodness. I always tell him that if he swallows the gum, he will blow bubbles out his button! Could you imagine?!?! Thats probably why HE DOES swallow it, so he can see the "cool" bubbles!

So here is little Huddy sitting so cute in his Zebra cape with Mrs. Sarah.
Now, we are headed to the train store. Coleman has not been here either. We had a blast. We played with everything and Coleman tried to pull everything off the shelf. Its so much fun hanging out with these boys. They keep me laughing all day! So here are a few pictures of the boy at the train store.

So here we are at the end of the day. The boys had a big day. So here they are, precious little things.... Sleeping! PHEW!

They look as different as can be, now, dont they?! Cute!
Ashley, my husband and son get their hair cut by Sarah too!! Steve has been having her cut his hair for 5 or 6 years. Bodan has been going since he was 1.
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